Legacy Builders is a leading construction firm located in Chattanooga, TN. With a commitment to excellence and over a decade of experience in the industry, we have established ourselves as one of the most trusted and respected construction companies in the region. Legacy Builders specializes in providing high-quality custom home building, home renovation, and commercial construction services. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to delivering exceptional results on every project, with a focus on client satisfaction and attention to detail. Whether you’re looking to build a new home, update your existing property, start a commercial project, or insulate your home for high-efficiency heating and cooling, Legacy Builders is the ideal partner for your construction needs!


Our company focuses on attention to detail, integrity, and customer satisfaction through exceptional delivery of a quality product. Every member of our team is dedicated to providing our customers with gold-standard workmanship and professionalism. To help fulfill our goals, we strive to treat all employees fairly and involve them in quality improvement to ensure exemplary work execution. As a company, we acknowledge that we have opportunities to not only offer a quality product but that we also have an opportunity to improve the well-being of people both in our local communities and globally. Our goal at Legacy Builders is to greatly better our communities through corporate community service and finances to see change in a hurting world.


Legacy Builders is a company that focuses on attention to detail, integrity, and customer satisfaction through exceptional delivery of a quality product. Every member of our team is dedicated to providing our customers with gold-standard workmanship and professionalism. To help fulfill our goals we strive to treat all employees fairly and involve them in quality improvement to ensure exemplary work execution. As a company, we acknowledge that we have opportunities to not only offer a quality product but that we have an opportunity to improve the well-being of people both in our local communities and globally. Our goal is to significantly improve the well-being of communities through corporate community service and finances to see change in a hurting world.

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Locally Owned & Trusted

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